WGS – Referral Update


We have recently sent letters from the Welsh Gender Service (WGS) to inform patients of their referral date and location of future appointments. It has come to our attention that there are discrepancies in the information included in some of the letters.

We have updated the information for those patients that have been in touch, however there may be others that are yet to let us know. If you have any concerns around your referral date please contact The Cardiff Clinic on 029 2183 6612 or email CAV.WGS_Enquiries@wales.nhs.uk.  We will be happy to check and confirm the information for you.

If you believe that the referral date on your letter is incorrect for any other reason (e.g. you think you were referred by your GP on a different date), please also contact us to discuss this at the earliest opportunity and we will advise you on the steps to take to find evidence of your original referral date.  Once we have confirmation of when your referral was made, we will adjust the date accordingly. 

The XIST staff at Umbrella Cymru can help you with this; you can reach the team on the phone on 0300 3023670 or by email at xist@gender.wales

Thank you for your patience while we are continuing to develop this service for Wales.

We sincerely apologies for any confusion the letters might have caused, and we’d like to let everyone know that we’re working hard to correct any inaccurate information and offer support to anyone currently on the waiting list for London or Cardiff. 

Which form should I complete or return?

If you would like to access support whilst on the waiting list, you can request a call to discuss this and update your details by visiting www.umbrellacymru.co.uk/wgs and clicking the “Update my details” button.  Please note that we have already received a high number of requests, so please allow some time for us to get back to everyone.

If you have already completed this form online and have NOT changed your GP since your original referral, you will NOT need to complete or return the forms sent with your letter.

IF you have already completed this form online and you HAVE changed your GP since your original referral was made, please complete the form again to include your current and previous GP details, OR complete the change of details form sent with your letter and return it to the WGS.

If you have NOT already completed this online form, you can use it to update your contact details, provide current and previous GP details AND request contact from Umbrella Cymru all at the same time.  If you choose to do this, you would NOT need to return either of the forms included with the letter.

If you would prefer NOT to complete the online form, please complete the paper forms sent with your letter and return to the WGS.